5 Common Questions People Ask Title Companies

What To Ask a Title Company Whether you choose your own title company or let a real estate agent pick one, you must hire a reliable company. A title company conducts a thorough title search to ensure that the property you purchase is legally transferred to your name from the seller. It is a crucial…

What Are The Cons of Buying a Short Sale?

Disadvantages of Short Sales Short sales occur when a homeowner owes an outstanding balance to a mortgage lender or the bank. However, the lender allows the property to be sold short of the amount owed. It is a better solution than a foreclosure because it causes less financial damage to the mortgage lender or the…

Is Title Insurance a Ripoff?

Mortgages for buying property mean getting title insurance. But is it safe or ultimately a scam for house owners? People are often unaware of title insurance or don’t realize its existence until they’re required to get one at the end of the house-buying procedure. It might come as a surprise, but title insurances are must-haves…